Here's a pretty gherkin spiral to kick things off...

So, this is the lounge, with tomatoes, chillis, gherkins, spring onions, parsely, sage and strawberries on the windowsill. On the table in the middle there are some massive courgettes and far too many aubergines (15, anyone want one??).
...and some beetroots, which are starting to form tubers, v exciting.
The strawberries are already starting to crop which is fun, and we have a small courgette going, I hope it stays yellow they always taste more fun!
Here's my pretty beetroots:
I also have some red peppers (just germinated) and some string beans trying to spout whilst being warmed by the fishtank.
Some of my supermarket garlic was spouting so I potted it up too.
Then in the sewing room we have cucumbers, with beautiful yellow tenderills, and an onion (which I thought was off but we planted for an experiment) doing ok in the middle. I also have some gifted radishes from a friend, but the cucumbers are swamping them a bit so might need to move them.
Are you going to put these in your garden or are you growing them in the house? Wow! I can't even do starts in my house except under grow lights.
Hopefully most of them will end up outside eventually! We are really luck to have the fishtank to germinate on top of, nice and warm!
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