I am so glad Valentines is over, I do love the idea but most blogs seem to become filled with pink and hearts and cupcakes and I feel inspiration withdrawl! I did make my lovely partner a Valentines gift or 2, the edible ones disappeared before photography could take place but luckily I also made him an Eel's arty picture to go above his PC, hooray for boy art! I am actually quite proud, it looks half ok!
Little did I know that he was going to really push the boat out this year (no irony intended, this is an amazing present) and hunted down some Almdudler in London (I am amazed!!!!) and got me 2 cans! Almdudler is one of those holiday things I have not had for ages and ages, it comes from Austria and even there is tough to get hold of sometimes, I am saving mine for a special treat.
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